We are in the first week of 2019! All excited as we have set new goals and resolutions. We have new dreams and hope is high for what we are going to achieve this year! New Year and New YOU!

Unfortunately, 3 weeks into January those goals and dreams start to fade away and we then give up.

Most people don’t reach their dream, but not because of failure. Most people GIVE UP at the first failure! You will not be perfect, and you will have many slip ups, many failures.

It is not the failure that stop us, it is quitting, giving up! The only time you FAIL is when you QUIT.

 Consistency is the key – Keeping on keeping on!

Failure is not the end of your story! Winners set goals and are determined to fight to reach those goals! They overcome many failures!

Many great people failed hundreds of times before they achieved success! The difference between people who are successful and those who are not is that they NEVER GAVE UP!

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

-Thomas Edison

 We only need 1 that did work!   

 Setting goals is important, but the #1 thing to set first is your mind!

Believe in yourself and stay dedicated to your journey. If you change one small thing a day you will see big results. We call these our daily “wins”. Your wins will add up to major success!

How did I get my start?

12 years ago, I set a New Year’s Resolution to start working out and eating healthier. I felt miserable, had no energy, and didn’t like what I saw in the mirror! I was like the majority of you and never seemed to stick with my resolutions. But this time was different. This time I knew I HAD to do something about my health.

Was it easy? NO

Did I feel like quitting? YES many times!

However, this journey was important enough I kept fighting through the tough times!

If you want something different you have to do something different.

The lifestyle I was living was not working well for me and I was miserable because of it.

I had 2 choices –

  1. Do something about it. OR
  1. Keep doing what I was doing – gaining and gaining each year.

I am so thankful today I chose to do something about it!

We all make choices each day that affect us in a positive or negative way.

We can’t change what happened yesterday; what we didn’t do or should have done!

Yesterday ended last night!

Today is a new day!

Opportunity for new choices!

Choose today to be the day you make a difference for yourself!  

 Change your mind and your thoughts and your results will be amazing! Believe in yourself and tell yourself good positive things daily!

Feed your mind with positive energy.

Wake up every day and look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself

“I am awesome”    –    Your whole day will be different!

This journey is not easy – but so worth it!

Top 5 tips to create a Fit Mind:

  1. Always have a goal – It’s very important to set goals and keep them in front of you!
  2. Don’t throw in the towel at the first failure – Pick yourself up and keep going! Consistency is the key! Do it over and over!
  3. Believe in yourself and don’t doubt yourself! You can do this, no matter your age, size, or fitness level! You become what you think about!
  4. Listen to and read good, positive motivational material.
  5. Hang around positive people! Support is crucial in our journey! Having a team of like-minded people to support you is the #1 reason we succeed with our goals!

Mark your calendars! Fit Bodies 4 Life is starting our next 8 Week Challenge on January 7th!

This is your PERFECT opportunity to have a set goal and the support you need to help you succeed in your fitness goals for 2019!


Here’s what you get:

  • FB4L Online Membership for either 2 months (the duration of the challenge) or for 1 year (*best value*)
  • New meal plan each month
  • New workouts each month
  • New recipes each month
  • Daily follow-along workout videos
  • Instructional videos for exercises
  • Nutrition tips
  • Motivation and support from our Fit Tribe Facebook community
  • Accountability chart


Are you in?? Join us here!

Make 2019 your year to be your best self yet!

Fit Mind – Fit Body!

Live your dream,
