Exercise is one the most effective ways to become and stay healthy. Today’s world is so full of unhealthy options that usually override the healthy ones; taking the bus instead of walking or the elevator instead of stairs. Along with nutrition, exercise is crucial in sustaining a long and healthy life. Plus, the healthier you are, the happier you’ll be!
#1 Improves Heart Function
This one is a given. The more you exercise, the healthier your heart will get. But what does that mean exactly? There are several benefits to improving your heart’s function. Here’s just a few.
- Better blood pressure
- Improved blood circulation
- Manage cholesterol
- More energy
- Strengthening of the heart muscle
- Reduced risk of heart disease
#2 Relieves Stress
Physical activity is a great way to manage stress. It is even possible to receive the same effects from exercise as you would from an anti-depressant or anxiety medication.
During your workout your body will release dopamine and serotonin, which are anti-stress hormones. Dopamine and serotonin are responsible for better sleep and better moods.
Along with hormones, physical activity will trigger the release of endorphins (natural “mood-boosters”) that will leave you feeling calm and relaxed. Endorphins are responsible for the “runner’s high” and feelings of optimism after completing a workout.
Aside from increasing anti-stress hormones, exercise will also decrease stress hormones. During activity your body’s levels of adrenaline and cortisol decline. Cortisol is the body’s main stress hormone and adrenaline accompanies it. Cortisol is known for causing weight gain, so keeping its levels down is important in maintaining overall good health.
#3 Improves Metabolism
Your metabolism is important to maintain a healthy weight. With good metabolism, you will burn off calories more quickly and have more energy. Exercising and building lean muscle will improve your metabolism because muscle is a natural fat-burner and will help you burn more calories while at rest.
#4 Improves Body Composition
Weight loss isn’t the only physically-noticeable benefit of exercise. Regular activity will allow your body shape to change and re-proportion in a more healthy manner. For example, by exercising someone might not lose weight on the scale, but their body may look much thinner and leaner just by re-proportioning.
The benefits that come from exercise are endless!
This list is only the tip of the iceberg. If you’re finally convinced to begin but don’t know where to start or you’ve exercised before but need something new – check out the follow-along workout video below.
If you’d like more follow-along workouts, our Fit Bodies 4 Life Online Membership offers workouts that are easy and fun to workout with! Learn more about how you can join us and the workouts by clicking here.
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