Emotional eating is something we all struggle with at some point!

There is a difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger. Emotional hunger is very powerful so it’s easy to mistake it for true physical hunger, but there are clues you can look for:

  • Emotional hunger comes on suddenly and hits you in an instant feeling overwhelming and urgent.
  • Emotional hunger craves specific foods, comfort foods. Whereas, with physical hunger pretty much anything sounds good.
  • Emotional hunger leads to mindless eating.
  • Emotional hunger is not satisfied once you’re full. You keep wanting more and more.
  • Emotional hunger often leads to regret, guilt and shame.


Ready for great news? You CAN overcome emotional eating and become more mindful of the types of foods and the amounts of foods that you eat.

Step 1: Belief – Doubt in the process is what holds us back. The key is YOU. You can have all of the resources and tools in front of you, but in the end it is up to you to put it into action.

Excuses enter our minds and creates the doubt that holds us back.

  • bad thyroid
  • menopause
  • can’t exercise
  • tired everything and nothing worked
  • it’s hard
  • no time to meal prep

I was the exact same way. At age 45, I knew I had 2 choices: 1. keep doing what I was doing or 2. do something about it and break the cycle.

We ALL have those very same 2 choices.

Step 2: Decide what you really want. Become crystal clear of what you want and FOCUS on it. What are your goals? Personally vision boards work great for me, and I encourage you to give it a try.

Step 3: Take control and make the change. Stick to it and make the commitment to yourself. If you haven’t already, start now. Create NEW habits to take control.

Step 4: Break the cycle. You can do this by identifying the triggers that cause the binge in the first place, such as, dieting starving yourself, stress, tired, low energy, etc.

Step 5: Love yourself. You are unique, you are YOU and that is absolutely perfect. As you begin to focus on loving yourself this becomes about becoming the best possible version of yourself and not only a number on a scale or a number of pounds lost.


Here are a few more tips to eliminate emotional or binge eating:

  • Don’t buy the food and bring it into your home.
  • Don’t deprive yourself – have a treat meal once a week.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Read or listen to personal development books/audiobooks/podcasts.
  • Meal prep.
  • Adjust your schedule.
  • Find a friend or accountability partner that has similar goals.


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If you have any questions, please reach out!

